Anna and Andrew senior were married a little over a year when they discovered that they were going to have a baby. On January 19, 1927 Andrew J. Dunn Jr. was born. I am sure that my grandparents were happy to have a baby boy. They were a family of three until 1932.
Sometime during 1932, Andrew was working in a factory supporting his family. He smoked along with Anna. In those days it was acceptable to smoke. During one of his shifts, Andrew was smoking and laid down his cigarette. A coworker picked up the cigarette and took a drag. Unfortunately for Andrew, the coworker had tuberculosis. Andrew contracted the disease and took sick. In those days people with tuberculosis were sent to asylums to be treated and Andrew was no different.
Anna carried on at home with her five year old son. She continued to work to support the family. Shortly after Andrew was admitted to the asylum, Anna found out that she was pregnant again. I am sure that she leaned heavily on her mother (pictured above) during this trying time.